Legal Disclaimers and Privacy Policy

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This website is provided by Transforming Glory Ministries  (herein also referred to as " we" / " our" )  as a faith-based Christian business. This is our God given assignment to support others needing hope.


The information and materials listed on this website are provided for general information purposes only, and do not constitite legal, medical, financial or other professional advice. The views expressed and the content included on our website are intended to support and uphold the Mission and values of Transforming Glory Ministries, LLC. 


Our website provides links to other websites, which are provided and intended to be resources and sources of information only, and are intended solely as a courtesy to the website viewer. Transforming Glory Ministries does not imply or incur any responsibility or liability to, or for these linked sites, we are not engaged in paid promotion, paid endorsement, or financial compensation from the linked sites or its content. We disclaim any responsibility for the information listed by these individual entities, companies, businesses, ministries, organizations, agencies, not-for-profits, and services, and we cannot validate nor guarantee their business practices, or the quality of work. We cannot confirm or attest to the security of their website, the information their website might gather, or links that are on other websites. However, if at any time, we become aware of a complaint that a website we have linked to has acted irresponsibly or unethically, we will remove it immediately and permanently from our website. Viewers are inherently and solely responsible for using wisdom, due diligence, and discretion in entering any transactions with a linked website. We disclaim having any part in any transaction between a viewer and a linked website, nor do we have access to any personal information given to a linked website. As online information is constantly changing and updated, we cannot ensure that the information listed in the links is still accurate, or current, but if we learn that a linked website is no longer in service, we will remove it from our website immediately. Statements or opinions contained in linked websites are not necessarily to be construed as the views or opinions of Transforming Glory Ministries. Transforming Glory Ministries hereby disclaims and does not accept liability or responsibility whatsoever for personal, physical, financial, material, emotional, or any other form of loss or injury from choosing to engage or participate with a linked website.


Transforming Glory Ministries, LLC does not collect personal information of viewers, unless you choose to pre-pay for spiritual care sessions in which case you must provide your name and email as part of the online payment process. Pre-payments made on our website through Pay Pal's online portal are secure, and we do have access to your private credit card information. A payment transaction statement will be provided to you from Pay-Pal. Pre-payments made through Square App's online portal are also secure, and we do not have access to your private credit card information. You will receive a notification from Square App.  If you choose to email to request or discuss spiritual care services, your name, email address, or phone number will not be shared with, or sold to anyone else.           

Personal information collected on this site is for analytical and statistical purposes such as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. Privacy is always respected.



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Copyright © 2025, Transforming Glory Ministries LLC. • Privacy and Disclaimers